Posted on December 1, 2022
Τhe President of the European Central Bank Madame Christine Lagarde.
The Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus Mr. Constantinos Herodotou.
By Joya Lahoud and Krestin Saad Mousa Naffa
On the 4th of October 2022, UCLan Cyprus law students, Joya Lahoud, Penelopi Charalampous, Katerina Chrysostomou, Despina Siaila, Krestin Saad Mousa Naffa and Lambros Dinos, had the unique opportunity to participate in an open discussion in the Central Bank of Cyprus, organised on the occasion of an honourable visit by the distinguished president of the European Central Bank Madame Christine Lagarde to the Republic of Cyprus.
Alongside other university students from across the Republic of Cyprus, UCLan Cyprus representatives joined the discussion in the Central Bank of Cyprus to hear a most interesting dialogue on important topics and challenges facing all citizens of Europe such as, high inflation, a digital euro, crypto assets, climate change and leadership.
On this special day, everyone engaged in the debate and raised their concerns and suggestions to the European Central Bank President.
The question posed by our university to Madame Lagarde was about the strategies that the EU is adopting to help member states recover from the economic recession caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and, more recently, the Russian-Ukrainian war. The President’s answer to this question was clear and precise.
It was evident from the discussion that Her Excellency Madame President, alongside The Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus Mr. Constantinos Herodotou, supported young people and were very impressed by the questions posed and happy to answer all questions asked by the attendees, the young students of Cyprus, who are not only tomorrow’s generation of Europe, but also today’s generation of Europe. The discussion broadened our knowledge about questions we may ask ourselves regarding the foreseeable future, and expanded our understanding of the European Central Bank.
As law students, Joya Lahoud, Penelopi Charalampous, Katerina Chrysostomou, Despina Siaila, Krestin Saad Mousa Naffa and Lambros Dinos were delighted to attend the debate and share their comments on the topics discussed. Through this blog, the students would like to thank Prof. Stéphanie Laulhé Shaelou, the Head of the School of law, for inviting them to the session and for supporting them throughout the preparation.
Posted in Events, Young Lawyers