If you wish to submit a blog piece, please ensure it complies with these Guidelines and send it as text to [email protected]
These Guidelines constitute an open call for blog pieces. There is no deadline to submit and no strict word limit; however, draft texts in the region of 1,500 to 2,000 words would be deemed the most appropriate.
In the light of the Mission of RoLMM, as outlined above, blog pieces should focus on topics of societal interest aimed at a wide non-expert audience. Accordingly, academics should avoid unnecessarily legalistic terminology or unduly theoretical concepts. By the same token, lawyers and other professionals should avoid jargon.
A catchy title should be used.
No lengthy introduction is needed. Nor is there any need for any detailed literature review. Authors are requested to go straight to the point and address the gist of the matter at hand. From the outset, each author should explain to readers why they should read the blog piece. The style may be analytical and/or narrative depending on the subject matter. If possible, avoid endnotes and footnotes but use links instead (cmd + k).
The conclusion should summarise the main themes or findings. It is best to conclude with the articulation of some warnings to be borne in mind, lessons to be learned or recommendations.
Each author should provide brief details along the following lines: name, position, affiliation if any, professional status, if any, qualifications and a declaration of any actual or perceived interest. The provision of a photograph will be welcome.
When submitting any draft text to RoLMM, every author must not only disclose any actual or perceived conflict of interest, but must also adhere to the other generally accepted principles of research ethics and integrity. These principles are embodied inter alia in the publications of the UK Research Integrity Office, a registered charity dedicated to the promotion of these concepts. Its publications include [The] Code of Practice for Research: Promoting Good Practice and Preventing Misconduct and [The] Recommended Checklist for Researchers; these are available at the hyperlinks below.
A peer review process will take place within reasonable time. It will be conducted by academics of the School of Law of UCLan Cyprus and, if necessary, external experts. Such reviewers reserve the right to engage in editing if and when needed, in consultation with the author.
Blog pieces may be illustrated by images on the strict understanding that the express consent of the copyright holder is obtained in advance, an appropriate acknowledgment is provided and all relevant laws are adhered to.
Prospective authors are welcome to make use of Crown Copyright and Parliamentary Copyright materials from the United Kingdom in line with the relevant Licences. Details regarding the re-use of Crown Copyright materials under the Open Government Licence is available at the two links below.
Details regarding the re-use of Parliamentary Copyright materials under the Open Parliament Licence are available at the two links below.
Cross-posting of blog pieces published by RoLMM is acceptable, subject to proper acknowledgment as to where each text was first published and subject also to the receipt of prior permission from RoLMM.
The UCLan Cyprus Law Blog is dedicated to freedom of expression within the law and, by extension, to academic freedom. At the same time, the UCLan Cyprus Law Blog is an equal opportunity, non-discriminatory and non-hate speech forum. Content that does not meet its standards will be rejected.