
  • Student Editorial Team
  • Mishel Bogatova, LLB student (2021-2022)
  • Despoina Theofanous, LLB student (2021-2022)
  • Nazaret Caro-sanchez, LLB student (2021-2022)

Guidelines aimed at potential authors of articles and other contributions

A Blog piece is aimed at a wide non-expert audience, on topics of societal interest. So academics should avoid legalistic terminology or too theoretical concepts and lawyers and other legal professionals should avoid legal jargon. 

No lengthy introduction is needed, you are requested to get straight into the gist of the matter. You should explain to readers why they should read your piece and summarise the main findings for the reader to comprehend fully.

The style can be analytical and/or narrative depending on the subject-matter. It is best to conclude briefly with lessons to be learnt and/or drawn.

There is no deadline to submit and no strict word limit (a piece between 1,500 and 2,000 words would be deemed appropriate). A peer review process will take place within reasonable time by academics of the School of Law of UCLan Cyprus, as well as editing if and when needed. Please choose a catchy title and avoid footnotes (instead use links cmd + k).

Author’s information needs to be provided as follows: your name, position, affiliation and a picture if possible.

Cross-posting of blog pieces is acceptable, with acknowledgment where this was first published and provided you have secured permission.

If you wish to submit an article, please send it as text to [email protected]

The UCLan Cyprus Law Blog is an equal opportunity, non-discriminatory and free of hate speech content forum. Content that does not meet this standard will be rejected. 

To obtain further information or register to receive updates by email

Please send an email with you request to [email protected]

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The UCLan Cyprus Law Blog abides by the Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy as well as the Data Protection Policy of UCLan Cyprus. Feel free to visit site https://www.uclancyprus.ac.cy/data-protection-policy/ for further information.

Third parties not affiliated with UCLan Cyprus retain full copyright of their work. The Law Blog of UCLan Cyprus has the right however to store the uploaded blog in a permanent link on the Law Blog platform, for the purposes of academic and/or journalistic reproduction for a certain period of time.

The Law Blog of UCLan Cyprus reserves the right to reproduce your work in the same format in any newly designed digital space, following due notice serving the same or similar purpose as the purpose the blog was originally aiming to serve.

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