Posted on January 25, 2021
The UCLan Cyprus School of Law is pleased to announce its annual Writing Competition.
Who can enter?
The Writing Competition is open to all undergraduate and postgraduate students and alumni at UCLan Cyprus.
Essay title
‘The poor, the inadequately housed, the precariously employed and the socially isolated have suffered most from the [United Kingdom] government’s measures [in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic]. Above all, the young, who are little affected by the disease itself, have been made to bear almost all the burden, in the form of blighted educational opportunities and employment prospects whose effects will last for years.’
Lord Sumption, retired Justice of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, ‘Government by decree – Covid-19 and the Constitution’, 2020 Cambridge Freshfields Lecture delivered online at the Private Law Centre of the University of Cambridge on 27 October 2020. (A video and a transcript of the Lecture are both available on the website of the University of Cambridge at
In the light of the above, do you agree with the proposition that ‘the young’ in the Republic of Cyprus have been similarly saddled with ‘blighted educational opportunities and employment prospects’? If so, how should the higher education system of the Republic of Cyprus innovate in response? If not, why not?
The essay must not exceed 1,000 words. Endnotes and footnotes must be avoided. Hyperlinks to any online sources may be embedded in the essay.
Release Date
19th January 2021
Submission Date
1st March 2021, 23:59
Submission Procedure
The submission of each essay must be made via email at: [email protected]
Each essay must be the product of a student’s own work. It must be not be tainted by plagiarism, collusion or any other form of academic misconduct.
The First Prize of €250 Book Voucher from Galaxy Bookshop will be awarded to the writer whose essay addresses the question set in an original, fluent, persuasive, imaginative and otherwise well written manner. A Runner Up Prize of €150 Book Voucher from Galaxy Bookshop will be awarded to the writer judged to have written the second-best essay. Each essay will be read by a panel of three judges consisting of one legal academic at UCLan Cyprus, one executive committee member of the Student Law Society at UCLan Cyprus and one practising lawyer from L. Papaphilippou & CO LLC, the law firm sponsoring the Essay Competition. Both essays may be published at the UCLan Cyprus Law Blog (
Contact Details
For any further information please send an email to:
Posted in Article Competition