It is with great pleasure that we reproduce here the fourth Guest Lecture of the Jean Monnet Module FEcoGov, delivered by the Honourable Judge Constantinos Lycourgos. The Guest Lecture entitled “Measures taken in order to tackle the Euro Crisis and the case law of the EU Courts” presented inter alia the various measures adopted at the EU and national level, in order to deal the sovereign debt and banking crisis. The crisis was acute in the Eurozone but was also present at a global scale. This Guest Lecture presents legal instruments of national, EU and/or international law, as interpreted by the EU Courts, of high relevance to the principle of effective judicial protection. We hope you enjoy the reading of these materials here, reproduced with the kind permission of the Honourable Judge Constantinos Lycourgos, with our deepest gratitude.
We hope you enjoy the reading of these materials here, reproduced with the kind permission of the Honourable Judge Constantinos Lycourgos, with our deepest gratitude.
Jean Monnet Module FEcoGov (2014-17)
This event was supported by the European Union through co-funding of the Erasmus+ Programme. The material and information contained in this website and materials reflect only the authors’ view. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the material or information it contains.
The Law Blog Team